3.3 Spying users (and server activities)

As I personally like to see what happens on my ftp server, we have implemented some features to spy on users and check their activities. Double-click on a user in the right column of the server's main interface to bring up the 'Server Activity' window:

In this form you get an overview of the connected users and their activities, you can see:

Clicking on a user will bring you the Spy User form (see the smaller window inside the main window). This little window shows you the commands & server replies for the currently selected user, basically the same stuff you can read on the main interface onscreen log.


RealTime Interaction ...

Is there really anyone who never dreamed of being able to kick, ban, send messages to users connected to your ftp server? Well, these commands are for you! Right-click on a user in the right column of the server's main interface or when your're in the 'Server Activity' window to get a small menu:

  • Kick: disconnects user (you're also asked if you want to ban him)
  • Stop Current Transfer: stops the current download/upload (you're also asked to give a reason that's send to the user)
  • Mass Kick: disconnects all users (+ ban query)
  • Deny IP Access: bans selected user's IP
  • Spy User: brings up the 'Spy User' window
  • Send Message: see below
  • Freeze List: pause the refresh timer
  • Refresh: manual refresh
  • Show Grid: displays grid in the 'Server Activity' window

    Enjoy your time as a dictator... ;)


    Sending Messages or how to guide your users

    Clicking on 'Send Message/BroadCast' will bring you the above window, enter your text and if you want, select time, date, reply notice and click on send. In most cases (depends on the user's FTP client/settings) the user will receive your message and see something like:

    214 14/03/99 14:14:02 archives.exe is located in \temp\archives
    You can reply using SITE MSG 
    Using this method you can guide your users or simply talk to them! Please note that not all FTP-clients do show these messages so don't be too astonished when you're not getting an answer!



    Statistics inform you about the general amount of transfers/traffic on your server, failed/successful connections...

    You can also check the Hit-O-Meter for info about file downloads/uploads.